Victor Castañeda H

[Image description: Victor is DJing. He has a duct taped-headset over his eyes and reaches to turn a knob on a synthesizer. His skin is light brown, his short hair is bleached and he wears a purple tee shirt, chain, and black vest. The wall behind him is covered in cardboard and has a colorful scrolling marquee that reads “I remember”.]

Victor Castañeda H (b. 1984 San Fernando Valley) works with sculpture, digital spaces, and sound. He uses his practice to find ways to fill the gaps in his memory and is currently pursuing his idea of the non-body. He has shown at ICA San Diego (2022), Oolong Gallery (2022), and performed at The Brown Building (2022), among others. Castañeda H received an MFA from the University of California, San Diego and an MA from California State University, Northridge. 

Read about his work on HereIn:

beck haberstroh on Victor Castañeda H