Nassem Navab


[Image description: A photo of Nassem sitting on a floral couch in a garden. She has long dark hair and wears red glasses, a black sweater, and jeans. She looks to her left.]

Informed by her Iranian American identity, New Media artist Nassem Navab critically engages with a wide array of social issues, from the policing of women’s bodies, to self-expression and identity. She works in various mediums from 3D modeling, video, sound and photography. Navab received her BA in Interdisciplinary Computing Arts and Media from University of California, San Diego and her MFA from the University of Arizona. In 2016, she presented her work at the State Center for the Arts in Tijuana (CEART Tijuana), Mexico. Navab has been part of a traveling group show Someone To Ride The River With, which has shown at various art galleries in the Southwest including Lionel Rombach Gallery (UofA, Tucson, AZ), Harry Wood Gallery (ASU, Tempe, AZ) and CFA Downtown Studio (NMU, Albuquerque, NM).

Read about her work on HereIn:

Nassem Navab with HereIn