Marcos Duran


[Image description: A headshot of Marcos against a gray background. He has light skin, short brown hair, and a closely trimmed brown beard.] Photo: Doug McMinimy.

Marcos Duran's work has been largely shaped by his time in New York, where he directed and performed in Marcos Duran Performance Group while an artist-in-residence at Center for Performance Research. Focusing on individuality within collectives, he honed his abilities as a transdisciplinary collaborator at UC San Diego, bringing dancers, actors, designers, composers, and digital engineers together on stage for his MFA thesis at the La Jolla Playhouse theater district. His passion for filmmaking was recently lauded with the Best Performances award at the Los Angeles Experimental Film Festival 2021. He currently works with San Diego Dance Theater and has been commissioned by Malashock Dance to create a new live dance work for a production at the Mingei International Museum. In January 2022 Marcos will continue appointments as a Lecturer in dance at UC San Diego and San Diego City College.

Duran was a participant in the 2021 HereIn Writers Workshop.

Read his writing on HereIn:

One Work: Kevin Vincent