Amanda Kachadoorian


[Image description: Amanda sits in her studio, surrounded by plants and painting supplies. A Mexican-German-Armenian person, she has long, dark hair and wears a bright orange dress.]

Amanda Rose Kachadoorian is an emerging artist who was born and raised in San Diego. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a BA in Art Practice. Her work has been focused on painting and drawing, while experimenting with mix media, sculpture, and installation. Her current project is focused on “Botanical Hybridity of San Diego’s Multicultural History,” based on the diverse cultures, communities, and history that have shaped the region by creating hybrid botanicals representative of multiculturalism, colonialism, and globalization.

Her work has been featured in exhibitions at the Oceanside Museum of Art, the San Diego Museum of Art, the University of California Berkley, and Bread & Salt Gallery, among other venues.

Read about her work on HereIn:

Akiko Surai on Amanda Kachadoorian