Aaron Glasson


[Image description: A blurry, black and white photo of Aaron standing in front of a painting. He has light skin and dark hair, and wears a hooded jacket.] Photo by Orion Owens

Aaron Glasson is a New Zealand-born artist now based in the Mojave Desert. Since completing a Bachelor's degree in Art and Design at the Auckland University of Technology in 2005, he has been exhibiting and creating public artworks internationally. His diverse portfolio consists of participatory installations, murals, paintings, illustration, sculpture, and film.

Much of Glasson’s career as an artist has been devoted to exploring ideas around ecology, connectivity, and community engagement. He is interested not only in the conceptual and technical aspects of art making but also art's practical potential outside of its traditional contexts. Therefore he has also worked extensively in the public sphere with numerous environmentalism efforts, community organizations, and educational institutions.

After decades of figurative work Glasson recently made the shift to abstraction and investigating more ecologically responsible ways of making art. This has led him to resurface bygone ways of painting and building but also led to experiments in creating his own methods. Following an idea that the material guides the maker, his ongoing series of abstract paintings and sculptures uses materials such as reclaimed/ found matter, plant dyes, and paint he makes from found pigment.


Read about his work on HereIn:

Aaron Glasson with HereIn